Price for GMC Yukon Xl 1500

GMC Yukon Xl 1500 Vehicles have had a price that has remained pretty much the same during the last months. The prices for this particular model have remained constant recently.

Average price Last 6 months
Price for GMC Yukon Xl 1500

The selling prices for GMC Yukon Xl 1500 cars have remained constant in the last 6 months. In May the price for a car is $24,977 increasing till $28,662 in June. The following two months the selling price went through a strong reduction of -29 % compared to the previous two months studied. The average price has had spectacular rise of 20 % with an average price of $22,965.25 during the previous 4 months and $27,648.5 during the most recent months in September and October.

Charts data
Average price October
Number of GMC Yukon Xl 1500 ads used
** Graph's data with null or zero value are due to there isn't enough data available to get a reliable value