Price for Nissan Xterra

Nissan Xterra Vehicles have gone through a slight decrease in their retail price recently. This model has gone through an overall fall in its selling price.

Average price Last 6 months
Price for Nissan Xterra

The selling price for Nissan Xterra cars has fallen during the last 6 months we have analyzed. The average price in August was of $22,024. This price hardly went through any changes and remained at $22,164 during September. The average selling price has remained fairly constant during the following two months, going from $22,094 to $21,264. In the last two, the price has gone through a -12 % devaluation compared to the previous average values going down from $21,679 to $19,087.5 during December and January.

Price per registration year

The average price for Nissan Xterra has had a strong rise in recent years. Between 2000 and 2011, the average price is $6,754.67. There was a significant inflation of the average price in 2000 ($4,629) moving up till ($10,614)in 2011. During the next two years (2012, 2013) the price for the aforementioned model has gone up strongly a 95 %. During the last two years, prices in the car industry have gone up 7 % compared to the average values for the previous 4 years. This conclusion was reached from studying the prices for the the preceding four years in previous sample ($14,215.75) and the the last two years that were studied (2014, 2015) with a price of $15,228.5.

Price per mileage

The graph that displays the price for Nissan Xterra cars according to their mileage shows that those cars within a mileage range of "more than 200,000" are the ones with the lowest price. They are 72 % more affordable than the average price ($18,423). Next with a price of $12,456 and a mileage range of "100,000 - 200,000" we would see the following vehicles. The mileage range for the most affordable cars is "less than 10,000". It is 12% less expensive than the average market value followed by those cars with a mileage of "50,000 - 100,000" priced at $14,087.

Price per fuel type

The graph showing the average price for the fuel type for Nissan Xterra cars points out to "Diesel" as being the cheapest fuel type. It is 82 % less expensive than the average market price ($18,423) followed by "Gasoline" priced at $9,663. On average the cheapest type of fuel is "Gas". It´s price is 39 % more affordable than the average market value followed by "Gasoline" with a price of $9,663.

Charts data
Average price January
Number of Nissan Xterra ads used
Num. of cars with registration year mentioned
Num. of cars with mileage mentioned
Num. of cars with fuel type mentioned
** Graph's data with null or zero value are due to there isn't enough data available to get a reliable value
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Nissan Xterra versions