Lexus ES

Lexus ES ads in United States

The Lexus ES was introduced in 1989 and continues to be a strong seller today. The vehicle is offered as a compact, mid-sized or full-sized car. Consumers can pick the room and design they need and still get the quality and the additional benefits that come with the Lexus name.

The standard engine offered in the Lexus ES is a V6. They also feature front wheel drive. Consumers love the handling of these vehicles. They also enjoy the quiet and smooth ride that they offer. They also enjoy many of the upgraded comfort features inside of a Lexus. They make driving more enjoyable.

There are several generations of the Lexus ES out there. The early generations were square like in design. Over time, they extended the wheel base and also created a more appealing body style to offer. The 6th generation was introduced in 2012. This was the first year that hybrid models were also offered.

The prices are higher on the Lexus ES than similar vehicles in the categories due to the luxury upgrades. Getting what you pay for is important, and Lexus is always up to the challenge. Their vehicles are well made and they have excellent overall safety ratings. For more than 15 years, it has been the top selling luxury sedan.
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