Price for Ford Phaeton

Ford Phaeton Vehicles have had a price that has remained pretty much the same during the last months. The prices for this particular model have remained constant recently.

Average price Last 6 months
Price for Ford Phaeton

The selling prices for Ford Phaeton cars have remained constant in the last 6 months. The average price in August was of $28,631. This price hardly went through any changes and remained at $28,858 during September. The average selling price has remained fairly constant during the following two months, going from $28,744.5 to $29,497. During the last couple of months, the average price has hardly changed, remaining the same going from $29,120.75 to $29,309 during December and January.

Price per mileage

The graph that displays the price for Ford Phaeton cars according to their mileage shows that those cars within a mileage range of "less than 10,000" are the ones with the lowest price. They are 9 % more affordable than the average price ($30,628). Next with a price of $44,999 and a mileage range of "10,000 - 25,000" we would see the following vehicles. The mileage range for the most expensive cars is "10,000 - 25,000". It is 47% more costly than the average market value followed by those vehicles with a mileage of "less than 10,000" and a price of $27,992.

Charts data
Average price January
Number of Ford Phaeton ads used
Num. of cars with mileage mentioned
** Graph's data with null or zero value are due to there isn't enough data available to get a reliable value
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